《我的麻煩公寓》Our community is very beautiful though it"s very small.Well,there are 6 buildings in our community.There are many rooms in the buildings,such as kitchens,washrooms,baconlies and so on.There"s a wonderful garden in the middle of this community.In the garden,there"s a large pool on the grass.There"s also a training room on the left.Therefore,many people often take exercise in the garden.In a word,I think this is a meaningful community.
《我的麻煩公寓》Our community is very beautiful though it"s very small.Well,there are 6 buildings in our community.There are many rooms in the buildings,such as kitchens,washrooms,baconlies and so on.There"s a wonderful garden in the middle of this community.In the garden,there"s a large pool on the grass.There"s also a training room on the left.Therefore,many people often take exercise in the garden.In a word,I think this is a meaningful community.
公寓是商業地產投資中最為廣泛的一種地產形式。公寓式住宅最早是舶來品,相對於獨院獨戶的別墅,更為經濟實用。早期大城市的公寓式住宅都是高層大樓,每一層內有若干單戶獨用的套房,包括臥室、起居室、客廳、浴室、廁所、廚房等等,主要供當時中等收入的高階職員、政府公務員居住;還有一部分附設於旅館酒店之內,供一些常常往來的中外客商及其家眷短期租用。要了解公寓的含義,我們先要了解地產業中的另一個概念,叫多家庭樓宇(Multifamily Houshing)。這一概念的含義是,擁有一個以上居住單位(Unit),或者說擁有多個居住單位的樓宇。多家庭樓宇可分為兩類。第一類是二至四個居住單位之樓宇,這就是我們常說的二至四家庭。二家庭英文叫做Duplexes,三家庭叫做Triplexes,四家庭叫做Quadruplexes。第二類是五個或五個以上居住單位之樓宇,這就是通常我們所說的公寓(Apartment Building)。