  • 1 # 別人都叫我知識小王子

    有 what、why、where、how、who、whose、which、when 這八個疑問詞八個疑問詞造句如下What are you doing?What"s this in English?Why were you late for school today?Why are you going there?Where is the post office?Where have you been?How are you?How can I get to the hotel?Who is coming tonight?Who is your favorite basketball player?Whose book is this?Whose are these pens?Which is the way to the railway station?Which do you like better,apples or bananas?When did you get there?When was the date of your birth?拓展資料特殊疑問詞分為兩種:一、特殊疑問代詞,如what,which,whose,who,whom.疑問代詞在句中可作主語、賓語和定語、表語.如:What"s your name?(主語)Which man do you like?(定語)Whose book is this?(定語)Whose is this book?(表語)Who are they?(表語)Whom are you looking for?(賓語)二、特殊疑問副詞,如when,where,why,how,how many,how much,how old,how often,等等


    在句中作時間狀語,where作地點狀語,why作原因狀語,how作方式狀語,等等.如:When did you come?Where are you going?

  • 2 # 手機使用者9909

    人稱代詞: I he she it we you they 物主代詞: my his her its our your their

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 請問怎麼能蒸出鬆軟的窩頭?