  • 1 # 佳期如夢將至


    n. 節日;慶祝,紀念活動;歡樂adj. 節日的,喜慶的;快樂的“festival”例句:In this special festival, I bless you! 在這個特殊的節日裡我祝福你!This festival descends from a Chinese rite. 這個節日源自一箇中國的儀式。They are gathering flowers for the festival. 他們正在採集節日用花。OK. Let me tell you the story of this festival. 好吧,讓我給你們講一講這個節日的故事。During the festival the investor investigated his ancestor. 節日期間投資者調查了他的祖宗。So I told them the festival. 就告訴他們這個節日了。You only have to spend Christmas (or another festival) with someone else’s family to see howthey celebrate it differently. 你只要和其他家庭一起過一個聖誕節或者其他節日就知道他們是怎樣慶祝的了。During the festival, ancestors are celebrated and thanked for the blessing of the annual bounty.在節日中,人們會祭奠祖先並感謝他們在這一年的給的慷慨恩賜。They noticed the festival decorations on the opening screen and some of the pictures they saw.孩子們注意到了開始螢幕上的節日裝扮,和一些他們見過的圖片。Why do people choose eggs and rabbits to celebrate that festival? 為什麼人們選擇用彩蛋和兔子來慶祝這個節日呢?

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