  • 1 # TANKA

    名詞[U,C] 1.反應,迴應 2.(對舊觀念等的)抗拒 3.生理反應,副作用 4.反應能力(通常用複數)5.反對,反動,阻礙 6.化學反應 7.反作用力英語解釋extreme conservatism in political or social mattersa response that reveals a person"s feelings or attitudedoing something in opposition to another way of doing it that you don"t likean idea evoked by some experience(chemistry) a process in which one or more substances are changed into others(mechanics) the equal and opposite force that is produced when any force is applied to a bodya bodily process occurring due to the effect of some foregoing stimulus or agent相似短語reaction to 對…的反應the reaction to 對……的反應reaction stage reaction step 反應階段chemical reaction 化學反應agglutination reaction 凝集反應aggressive reaction 功擊反應alarm reaction n.警戒反應aldehyde reaction 醛化反應,康尼扎羅氏反應Alder reaction 艾德勒反應aldol reaction 醛醇縮合反應相似單詞reaction n.[U,C] 1.反應,迴應 2.(對舊觀念等的)抗拒 3.生理反應,副作用 4.反應能力(通常用複數) 5.反對,反動,阻礙 6.化學反應 7.反作用力Perkins"reaction 【機】 珀金斯反應Knaus"reaction 【醫】 克瑙斯氏反應(兔經孕激素處理後,其離體子宮對垂體後葉不起反應)diazo reaction 重氮化反應intracuti reaction 皮內反應sero reaction 血清反應step reaction 逐步反應uro reaction 尿變礆性反應half reaction 半反應micro reaction 微量反應

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