  • 1 # yfxvhgf

    dec是十二月,是英文十二月December的簡寫形式,正確的寫法應該是“Dec.”或者“DEC.”。一月~十二月的英文寫法如下:1、一月 JAN. Jan.=January2、二月份 FEB. Feb.=February3、三月份 MAR. Mar.=March4、四月份 APR. Apr.=April5、五月份 MAY. May=May6、六月份 JUN. Jun.=June7、七月份 JUL. Jul.=July8、八月份 AUG. Aug.=August9、九月份 SEP. Sep.=September10、十月份 OCT. Oct.=October11、十一月份 NOV. Nov.=November12、十二月份 DEC. Dec.=December拓展資料:December【音標】英[dɪ"sembə(r)] 美[dɪ"sembər] 【釋義】the twelfth and last month of the year, between November and January【例句】1、The weather in early December was bleak and unpleasant.十二月初的天氣又陰冷又難受。2、My little daughter was born in December.我的小女兒是十二月出生的。3、December is the last month of the year.十二月是一年的最後一個月份。4、Postal applications must be received by 12 December.郵寄的申請書須於12月12日以前寄達。5、Here it is December and New Year is coming.現在是十二月,新年就要來了。

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