  • 1 # 熱血尖兵

    Let It Go》-黛米·洛瓦託



    Let it go Let it go Can"t hold you back anymore

    放手吧 放手吧 再也攔不住了

    Let it go Let it go Turn my back and slam the door

    放手吧 放手吧 轉過身甩上門

    The snow blows white on the mountain tonight Not a footprint to be seen

    今晚冰雪白了整座山林 沒有留下任何足跡

    A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I"m the Queen

    這是個被隔離的王國 看來我就是這裡的王后

    The wind is howling like the swirling storm inside


    Couldn"t keep it in heaven knows I tried


    Don"t let them in don"t let them see Be the good gir

    不能讓他們進來不能讓他們知道 必須當個好女孩

    You always had to be Conceal, don"t feel Don"t let them know

    就像以前一樣 藏起來拒絕所有感受 不要讓他們知道

    Well now they know Let it go Let it go

    但現在他們知道了 放手吧 放手吧

    Can"t hold you back anymore Let it go Let it go

    再也攔不住了 放手吧 放手吧

    Turn my back and slam the door And here I stand, and here I"ll stay

    轉過身甩上門 我就站在這 我將待在這

    Let it go Let it go The cold never bothered me anyway

    放手吧 放手吧 這寒冷對我而言不算什麼

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 你總是心太軟,這首歌的歌名是什麼?