  • 1 # 滴逃逃



    Memorial day is not Grieving Day. It is a thankful remembrance of how great these guys were, not how pathetic their deaths were, and how bad we feel now that they are gone. It is not about us, it is about them, and the magnificence of their sacrifice.

    Pathos is the highest form of human existence in the media"s eyes. If it cries, it flies. If it bleeds it leads. If it inspires, it is forgotten.

    The day should be inspirational, not a downer. There has been a subtle shift in the society. We love grieving. This is not healthy. Not healthy at all.


    從以上文字來看 "If it cries, it flies. If it bleeds it leads. If it inspires, it is forgotten. " 是新聞媒體對新聞傳播的一種形像描述

    其中的 it 可以理解成指 news 事件 其大致意思可能是指:如果新聞的內容非常悲慘,使人傷心落淚,那麼這則新聞就像飛一樣地傳播開來;如果新聞的內容充滿了流血事件,那麼這則新聞總是會出現在頭版,引起人們注意;如果新聞的內容是激勵向上的文字,那麼這則新聞就會被遺忘。

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