  • 1 # 擼的一手老僵

    理雅各James Legge的經典翻譯: For life or for death, however separated, To our wives we pleadged our word. We held their hands;--- We are to grow old together with them. Bernhard Karlgren的翻譯: In death or life (we are) separated and far apart; With you I made an agreement: I grasped your hand, Together with you I was to grow old. 大詩人龐德Ezra Pound的翻譯: To stay together till death and end for far, for near, hand, oath, accord: Never alive will we keep that word. 簡明版翻譯: I want to hold your hand and with you I will grow old. 或者更簡單的 To hold your hand To grow old with you

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