  • 1 # 伢伢珍

    其實在我印象裡 LEON和老威並沒有直接的對話過。所以,分頭估計是在98年加入美國政府後,蒐集情報所瞭解到的老威,又或者是和chirs等人瞭解到的。從4代中第一次見到ADA的對白就應該瞭解到 當時他已經知道了老威。對白如下,至於CHIRS從洋倌回來後與署長對話後,在浣熊市病毒大規模爆發之前就已經離開了,所以並沒有經歷過浣熊市事件。Ada: Put your hands where I can see them.Leon: Sorry, but following a ladies lead just isnt my style.Ada: Put them up now.(Matrix slow-mo effects ensue)Leon: A bit of advice; try using knives next time. Works better for closeencounters.(Leon empties clip and walks away)Ada: Leon. Long time no see.Leon: Ada. So it is true.Ada: True? About what?Leon: You. Working with Wesker.Ada: I see you"ve been doing your homework.Leon: Why Ada?Ada: What"s it to you?Leon: Why are you here? Why"d you show up like this?Ada: Heh.(Glasses explode and flash)Ada: See you around.Leon: Ada!

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