  • 1 # 手機使用者85831026491

    山的英文mountain英式讀法 [ˈmaʊntən]美式讀法[ˈmaʊntn]舉例句子:那山海拔6000英尺。The mountain rises 6000 feet above sea level他南下去爬泰山了,那是華人心目中一座神聖的山。He went south to climb Taishan, a mountain sacred to the Chinese剛過這座山,路就分岔了。Just over the hill the road forks.我已經讓人搜過那些山了。I have people scouting the hills already哦,我想起來了。我們第一次是在大別山見面的。Now, I remember. We met for the first time in the Dabie Mountains.綿羊奶和山羊奶的生產過程差不多。Sheep"s milk is produced in much the same way as goat"s milk.我們沿著一條蜿蜒的小道爬向山上的一處避難所。We climbed up a winding track towards a mountain refuge從山上我們可以鳥瞰全城。From the hill we can take a bird"s-eye view of the city.

  • 2 # 豆腐乾多少

    山脈[shān mài][地理]mountain range; mountain chain; ridge; montes (月面); cordillera舉例:我在山脈西側陡峭的高處成功地急轉彎。I executed the hairpin turn high on the sheer western face of the mountains利古里亞的沿海城市坐落在陡峭山脈下的狹長地帶上。The coastal cities of Liguria sit on narrow strips of land lying under steepmountains.電影講述了一群人在安第斯山脈零度以下的環境中生存下來的真實故事。The film tells the true story of a group who survived in the Andes in sub-zerotemperatures.中東地區的兩大河流發源於土耳其境內的山脈。The two great rivers of the Middle East rise in the mountains of Turkey.馬西山是阿迪朗達克山脈中最高的山。Mount Marcy is the highest mountain in the Adirondacks.他們零星散居在安第斯山脈的高處。They live high in the Andes, in small and dispersed groups. 主體山脈呈東西走向。The principal range runs east to west. 品都斯山脈構成了流向愛琴海和愛奧尼亞海的河流的分水嶺。The Pindus mountains form the watershed between rivers flowing to theAegean Sea and to the Ionian sea. 過了平原便是光禿禿的山脈。Beyond the plain the mountains were brown and bare. 落基山脈位於美國西部。The Rocky Mountains lie in the west part of america.

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