  • 1 # 小農帽

    Paint yourself a picture自己繪製的圖片

    Of what you wish you looked like什麼,你希望你長得很像

    Maybe then they just might然後,也許,只是也許

    Feel an ounce of your pain覺得你的痛苦的一盎司

    Come into focus成為焦點

    Step out of the shadows走出陰影

    It"s a losing battle這是一場敗仗

    There"s no need to be ashamed有沒有必要感到羞愧

    "Cause they don"t even know you因為他們甚至不知道你

    All they see is scars他們所看到的是傷痕

    They don"t see the angel他們沒有看到天使

    Living in your heart住在你的心臟

    Let them find the real you讓他們找到真實的自己

    Buried deep within內心深處埋藏

    Let them know with all you"ve got讓他們知道所有你有

    That you are not your skin你是不是你的面板

    Oh [2x]呵呵[ 2倍]

    When they start to judge you當他們開始判斷你

    Show them your true colors告訴他們你的真實面目

    And do unto others並己所不欲

    As you"d have done to you正如你已經做了你

    Just rise above this剛升破此

    Kill them with your kindness用你的善良殺了他們

    Ignorance is blindness無知是導致失明

    They"re the ones that stand to lose他們是眼睜睜地失去那些

    "Cause they don"t even know you因為他們甚至不知道你

    All they see is scars他們所看到的是傷痕

    They don"t see the angel他們沒有看到天使

    Living in your heart住在你的心臟

    Let them find the real you讓他們找到真實的自己

    Buried deep within內心深處埋藏

    Let them know with all you"ve got讓他們知道所有你有

    That you are not your skin你是不是你的面板


    Well, they don"t even know you那麼,他們甚至不知道你

    All they see is scars他們所看到的是傷痕

    And they don"t see the angels他們沒有看到天使

    Living in your heart住在你的心臟

    So, let them find the real you所以,讓他們找到真實的自己

    Buried deep within內心深處埋藏

    Let them know with all you"ve got讓他們知道所有你有

    That you are not你是不是

    You are not your skin你是不是你的面板

    Oh [2x]呵呵[ 2倍]

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