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    ①chatter ["tʃætə]vi. 嘮叨;喋喋不休;(動物等)吱吱叫vt. 喋喋不休地說;使卡嗒卡嗒作聲n. 嘮叨;饒舌;(動物的)啁啾聲;潺潺流水聲Everyone is chattering away in different languages.大家用不同的語言喋喋不休地說著。Erica was friendly and chattered about Andrew"s children.埃麗卡很友好並絮叨起安德魯的孩子們。Cold made his teeth chatter.寒冷使他的牙齒打顫。The sparrows are chattering in the garden.麻雀在花園中唧唧喳喳地叫。

    ②nagging ["nægɪŋ]adj. 嘮叨的;挑剔的;使人不得安寧的n. 嘮叨;挑剔v. 嘮叨(nag的ing形式) I can"t stomach your constant nagging. 我再也忍受不了你不停的嘮叨了。He complained of a nagging pain between his shoulder blades.他抱怨肩胛骨之間有個地方總是疼。

    ③natter ["nætə]vi. 嘮叨;瞎扯;抱怨n. 閒聊;抱怨 They nattered together all the afternoon.他們在一起閒聊了整整一個下午。She always natters about many people owing her money.她總是抱怨說,有許多人欠著她的錢不還。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 《笑傲江湖》中經常出現的“三尸腦神丹”是種什麼樣的毒藥?