  • 1 # 使用者1465424935672

    home,reflections of eyes shine bright in my mind 家,眼神中映象在我的腦海中閃爍

    remind me i long to be called and feel alive 提醒我,自己渴望被喚歸家,由此感覺自己的存在

    for that"s what inspires me 家一直鼓舞著我

    home,to be free,just breath 家是自由的港灣,可以盡情的呼吸

    only seen in the eyes that know me 僅透過眼神就能讀懂我

    home,like a dream out reach 家,像一個遙不可及的夢

    i can"t see through the film that clouds it 我看破這模糊不清的夢境

    memories fade to dust 回憶已成殤

    slowly losing touch 慢慢的消失殆盡

    to belong is the feeling i want 我渴望歸屬感

    is it wrong to miss the time that we had? 我就是要追憶我們擁有的曾經

    now it"s gone 如今,往事已成風

    didn"t plan for that 不要再去計劃些什麼了

    home is where my heart is 家是我心之所向

    it"s the feeling i want 我渴望這種感覺

    is it wrong to miss the time taat we had?我就是要追憶我們擁有的曾經

    now it"s gone 如今,往事已成風

    didn"t plan for this 不要再計劃些什麼了

    home is where my heart is 家是我心之所向

    home,used to wish to be gone 曾經想遠離家鄉

    to be far from the ones who joke with 離開那些曾經同我一起嬉笑玩樂的人

    now,all i want is to hear,to be near,feel the more surround me 如今,我身邊的與家相關的一切我都想去聽,去靠近,去感受

    memories fade to grey 回憶漸漸黯然失色

    take me to the place where i belong is the feeling i want 帶我回到那個本該屬於我的地方,我要這種歸屬感

    is it wrong to miss the time that we had?我就是要追憶我們擁有的曾經

    now it"s gone 如今,往事已成風

    didn"t plan for this 不要再計劃些什麼了

    home is where my heart is 家是我心之所向

    it"s the feeling i want 我要這種感覺

    is it wrong to miss the time that we had? 我就是要追憶我們擁有的曾經

    now it"s gone 如今,往事已成風

    didn"t plan for this 不要再計劃些什麼了

    home is where my heart is 家是我心之所向

    i"m grateful for the chance 我慶幸有如此機會

    that it"s mine 我的機會

    so i"ll cherish every second of time 因此,我會珍惜生命裡的每一分鐘

    to belong is the feeling i want 我想存在感

    is it wrong to miss the time that we had? 我就是要追憶我們擁有的曾經

    now it"s gone 如今,往事已成風

    didn"t plan for this 不要再計劃些什麼了

    home is where my heart is 家是心之所向

    it"s the feeling i want 我想要這種感覺

    is it wrong to miss the time that we had?我就是要追憶我們擁有的曾經

    now it"s gone 如今往事已成風

    didn"t plan for this 不要做計劃些什麼了

    home is where my heart is 家是我心之所向

    didn"t plan for this 不要做計劃些什麼了

    home is where my heart is 家是我心之所向

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