  • 1 # 使用者3243323260477

    by the time 是過去完成時和將來完成時的標誌詞。例如:*By the time the tests took place, the athletes had had a full 17 hours notice. (到檢測開始時,離運動員得到通知已經整整17個小時了)*By the time he will have arrived at my hotel. (到時他可能已經到達我住的賓館了)如果是系動詞 be,應該用過去時或將來時,例如:*By the time he died, he was amillionaire. (到他去世的時候,他已經是一位百萬富翁了)*By the time we get back from dinner, will be already in bed. 到我們吃完飯回來時,她可能已經睡下了。

  • 2 # 額卡我認為55

    by the time有一種用法,表示“到。。。為止”,一般和完成時連用。 如I had finished my homework by the time my mother came back. 當我母親回來的時候我已經完成了我的家庭作業。 當表示“。。。的時候”可以和when 互換。 如I will leave by the time you arrive.等你到了我就走,可以用when代替。

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