1 # nurfy31163
2 # 使用者8262151785062
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity encoder4_16 is
port ( d: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3downto0);
q: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15downto0));
end encoder4_16;
architecture encoder_if of encoder4_16 is
if d="0000" then q"1",others=>"0");
elsifd="0001" then q"1",others=>"0");
elsifd="0010" then q"1",others=>"0");
elsifd="1111" then q"1",others=>"0");
else q"0");
end if;
end process;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity decoder4_16 is
port(data:in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
en :in std_logic;
y:out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0));
end entity decoder4_16;
architecture arch1 of decoder4_16 is
if en="1" then
case data is
when "0000"=> y(15 downto 0)
when "0001"=> y(15 downto 0)
when "0010"=> y(15 downto 0)
when "0011"=> y(15 downto 0)
when "0100"=> y(15 downto 0)
when "0101"=> y(15 downto 0)
when "0110"=> y(15 downto 0)
when "0111"=> y(15 downto 0)
when "1000"=> y(15 downto 0)
when "1001"=> y(15 downto 0)
when "1010"=> y(15 downto 0)
when "1011"=> y(15 downto 0)
when "1100"=> y(15 downto 0)
when "1101"=> y(15 downto 0)
when "1110"=> y(15 downto 0)
when "1111"=> y(15 downto 0)
when others =>y(15 downto 0)
end case;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;
library IEEE;use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;entity encoder4_16 isport ( d: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3downto0);q: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15downto0));end encoder4_16;architecture encoder_if of encoder4_16 isbeginprocess(d)beginif d="0000" then q"1",others=>"0");elsifd="0001" then q"1",others=>"0");elsifd="0010" then q"1",others=>"0");……elsifd="1111" then q"1",others=>"0");else q"0");end if;end process;endencoderif;library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;entity decoder4_16 isport(data:in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);en :in std_logic;y:out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0));end entity decoder4_16;architecture arch1 of decoder4_16 is beginprocess(en,data)beginif en="1" thencase data is when "0000"=> y(15 downto 0) y(15 downto 0) y(15 downto 0) y(15 downto 0) y(15 downto 0) y(15 downto 0) y(15 downto 0) y(15 downto 0) y(15 downto 0) y(15 downto 0) y(15 downto 0) y(15 downto 0) y(15 downto 0) y(15 downto 0) y(15 downto 0) y(15 downto 0)y(15 downto 0)