  • 1 # zkksi47256

    for good or for evilna.不論好壞不論好歹;不管後果如何;然而無論好壞例句1.Like many discoveries, atomic power can be used for good or evil.正如人類發現的許多事物一樣,原子能既可用來為善,也可用以作惡。2.As is often pointed out , knowledge is a two- edged weapon which can be used equally for good or evil .人們常說知識是一把雙刃劍,它既能造福人類,也能禍害人類。3.But metrics can be used for good or evil.但是制度也可以被用來做壞事。4.These fields vitally shape the destiny of humankind foe good or evil, for time and eternity.這些至關重要的方面塑造命運里人類好的或者壞的敵人,透過時間和永恆。5.We might hope that any evil we endure will at least be offset by an equal or greater amount of good for us, but there can be no guarantee.我們也許希望,我們遭受的任何惡至少會有等量甚至更多的善來抵消,但這並無保證。

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