  • 1 # 5哈榮軍

      航空公司每天都要擬訂第二天的航班計劃,簡言之,就是安排飛機飛哪裡,用哪架飛機執行航班任務,籤派要綜合機務和市場部提供的資訊,安排好計劃,並透過電報的形式傳送到各地航務代辦,否則第二天航班無法執行。  每個航班起飛之前,要拿到計算機飛行計劃,相關機場天氣報告,天氣預報圖,高空風溫圖,航行通告,航行資料,這些都要籤派來提供。  飛機起飛後,要對飛機全程進行監控。飛機出現的任何不正常情況,籤派都要協助機組進行處理,保證飛機安全落地。  天氣不好,飛機故障,流量控制等等,只要造成了預定計劃不能正常執行,籤派就要綜合各保障部門提供的情況,對航班計劃進行及時調整,既要保障公司效益也要儘量減少航班延誤。  當然了,每天下班的前提是公司所有航班都結束了,第二天計劃都搞定了才行。所謂下班只是理論上的,半夜有飛機過來備降,或者有其它情況,還得隨時上崗,因為畢竟他是公司裡唯一一個24小時都值班的單位,各單位都是要聽他的指令以後才會行動的。  基本上就這麼多了,歡迎同學補充。其實也不復雜,主要是要決策及時,基本上學過的東西都能用的上,當然每個決策都是要有充分理由的,否則出了事故就只能自己背了。  Job deSCRIPTion of the AIRCRAFT DISPATCHER  The Aircraft Dispatcher is a licensed airman certificated by the Federal Aviation Administration.  經過局方認可的持有執照的航空人員  He/She has joint responsibility with the captain for the safety and operational control of flights under his/her guidance.  和機長共同承擔航班飛行安全和執行控制責任  He/She authorizes, regulates and controls commercial airline flights according to government and company regulations to expedite and ensure safety of flight.  依據局方和公司對安全的要求,批准、調整、控制航空公司航班執行  He/She is also responsible for economics, passenger service and operational control of day to day flight operations.  對航班執行的控制、經濟效益和旅客服務負責  He/She analyzes and evaluates meteorological inFORMation to determine potential hazards to safety of flight and to select the most desirable and economic route of flight.  分析評估氣象資料確定潛在的危險,保證飛行安全,並選擇合適的、經濟的飛行航線  He/She computes the amount of fuel required for the safe completion of flight according to type of aircraft, distance of flight, maintenance limitations, weather conditions and minimum fuel requirements prescribed by federal aviation regulations.  根據公司燃油政策、機型、飛行距離、維修限制、天氣條件和最低燃油(局方規定的),計算航班所需的安全燃油量  He/She prepares flight plans containing inFORMation such as maximum allowable takeoff and landing weights, weather reports, field conditions, NOTAMS and many other inFORMational components required for the safe completion of flight.  收集保證飛行安全的各種資訊(最大允許起飛/著陸重量、天氣報告、機場情況、航行通告和其他有必要的資訊),制定飛行計劃  He/She prepares and signs the dispatch release which is the legal document providing authorization for a flight to depart.  準備並簽發籤派放行單  He/She delays or cancels flights if unsafe conditions threaten the safety of his/her aircraft or passengers.  當有威脅旅客和航班安全的情況時取消或推遲航班  He/She monitors weather conditions, aircraft position reports, and aeronautical navigation charts to evaluate the progress of flight.  持續監控航班執行  He/She updates the pilot in command of significant changes to weather or flight plan and recommends flight plan alternates, such as changing course, altitude and, if required, enroute landings in the interest of safety and economy.  將影響飛行安全的天氣變化或改航方案通知機長  He/She originates and disseminates flight inFORMation to others in his/her company including stations and reservations. This is the source of inFORMation provided to the traveling public.  收集、釋出航班執行資訊  He/She has undergone extensive training to have earned the coveted Aircraft Dispatcher"s certificate having taken and passed both an extensive oral examination and he comprehensive Dispatch ADX test, administered by the Federal Aviation Administration. These tests are equivalent to the same Air Transport Pilot (ATP) written and oral examinations that an airline captain must successfully complete.  必須透過嚴格的局方****的飛行籤派執照考試(包括實踐考試)  He/She participates in frequent and detailed recurrent training courses covering aircraft systems, company operations policy, meteorology and Federal Air Regulations as required by the FAA.  按照局方要求進行有關技能的學習和複訓。  HE/SHE HAVE TO DO STH WHICH HIS /HER LEADER WANT TO  中國籤派特有:完成領導佈置的其他任務!!

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