  • 1 # 使用者2684819276530

    it doesn"t matter what i want不必在乎我需要什麼

    it doesn"t matter what i need不必在乎我渴望什麼

    it doesn"t matter if i cry如果我哭了 別擔心

    don"t matter if i bleed即使傷心欲絕 別難過

    you"ve been on a road因為 你已上路

    don"t know where it goes or where it leads就算不知從何而來又將去向何處

    it doesn"t matter what i want不必在乎我的嚮往

    it doesn"t matter what i need不必在乎我的渴望

    if you"ve made up your mind to go如果你心意已決

    i won"t beg you to stay我不會成為你的羈絆

    you"ve been in a cage開啟禁錮的牢籠

    throw you to the wind you fly away擲自己於青空 遠飛在風中

    it doesn"t matter what i want別駐足 儘管我那麼嚮往

    it doesn"t matter what i need別回頭 儘管我那麼渴望

    it doesn"t matter if i cry如果我哭了 別擔心

    doesn"t matter if i bleed即使心如刀割 別難過

    feel the sting of tears讓我感受淚水的灼熱

    falling on this face you"ve loved for years 任由它在你曾經深愛的臉頰上 輕輕滑落

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