  • 1 # 殷莫軒

    About 是副詞和前置詞,About 在不同語境裡有不同意思:副詞

    1.大約,差不多; 前後,左右.About a mile 大約一英里.That"s about right.大致不差.That"s about (the size of) it.就是那麼一回事; 大概如此.It is about finished 差不多要完成[終結].

    2.周圍,四面; 到處.Look about 四顧.

    3.活動;盛行,到處散佈,傳佈.The news is going about.訊息正在傳開.

    4.繞著,圍著,倒轉,掉轉.Round about 掉轉,回頭,倒過來.The wrong way about 相反,倒轉過來.

    5.附近; 在附近 Is the manager about 經理在嗎?There is no one about.附近無人.

    6.(接帶 to 的不定式) 將要.前置詞 1.在…周圍.About the neck 繞著脖子,圍在頸上.2.在…附近,在…身邊,手頭.Somewhere about here 在此地附近.I have no money about me.我身邊無錢.3.前後,左右; 大概.About noon 正午前後.4.對於,關於.Talk about sb.談論某人.He is most particular about being conscientious.他最講究認真.5.從事於.What are you about 你在幹什麼?

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