  • 1 # 劉環環993


    1. 表示“對……的影響”,其後通常接介詞 on, upon。如:Her speech has produced little effect on the listeners. 她的演講沒對聽眾產生什麼影響。

    The film had quite an effect on her. 這影片對她影響極大。

    2. 注意有用搭配:

    In effect he has no choice. 實際上他沒有選擇餘地。

    The plan has been carried [put, brought] into effect. 這項計劃業已實行。

    The new law will take effect next May. 這項新的法律將於明年5月生效。

    All our efforts were of no effect. 我們的一切努力都毫無作用。

    (1) of no effect 無效

     The drug was of no effect. 這藥沒有效力。

    All our efforts were of no effect. 我們的一切努力都毫無作用。

    (2) bring [carry, put] sth into effect 使某物開始實施

    The plan has been carried [put, brought] into effect. 這項計劃業已實行。

    (3) in effect:在實施中,生效(作表語);事實上,實際上(作狀語)。如:

    Some ancient laws are still in effect. 有些古時的法律現在仍然有效。

    His reply is in effect an apology. 他的答覆事實上是一種道歉。

    (4) take effect 實行,起作用;開始見效;奏效

    The new tax law will not take effect until next month. 新稅法要到下個月才開始實施。

    The prescribed medicine failed to take effect. 醫生開的藥沒有見效。

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