  • 1 # 韓語家庭

    記得好像有網路紅人出過書名字類似於《人生需要揭穿》。House MD的主題就是這個,brutal honesty。殘酷真相。拆解成幾個子命題:一、Everybody lies.二、People don"t change.三、Humanity is overrated.四、You can"t always get what you want.我是真心覺得,你不需要一個宣傳冊來決定看不看一個劇吧?所以我還是默寫幾段臺詞給你吧。如果你看了之後覺得不感興趣,也沒有必要勉強自己看呀。場景1:一個病人被用盡各種治療方法仍然迅速走向死亡,她心灰意冷拒絕繼續檢查,就想帶著尊嚴死去。豪斯打破從來不見病人的慣例,去試圖說服她做最後一個檢查:

    Rebecca: I just want to die with a little dignity.House: There"s no such thing! Our bodies break down, sometimes when we"re 90, sometimes before we"re even born, but it always happens and there"s never any dignity in it! I don"t care if you can walk, see, wipe your own ass. It"s always ugly - always! We can live with dignity - we can"t die with it..


    House: I hired you because you look good; it"s like having a nice piece of art in the lobby.

    Cameron: I was in the top of my class.

    House: But not the top.

    Cameron: I did an internship at the Mayo Clinic.

    House: Yes, you were a very good applicant.

    Cameron: But not the best?

    House: Would that upset you, really? To think that you were hired because of some genetic gift of beauty, not some genetic gift of intelligence?

    Cameron: I worked very hard to get where I am.

    House: But you didn"t have to. People choose the paths that grant them the greatest rewards for the least amount of effort. That"s the law of nature, and you defied it. That"s why I hired you. You could have married rich, could have been a model, you could have just shown up and people would have given you stuff. Lots of stuff, but you didn"t; you worked your stunning little ass off.


    House: If we talk about nothing, nothing will change.

    Patient: It might.

    House: How?

    Patient: Time. Time changes everything.

    House: That"s what people say. It"s not true. Doing things changes things. Not doing things leaves things exactly as they were.


    John: You don"t risk jail and your career just to save somebody who doesn"t want to be saved unless you got something, anything, one thing. The reason normal people got wives and kids and hobbies, whatever, that"s because they don"t got that one thing that hits them that hard and that true. I got music; you got this. The thing you think about all the time, the thing that keeps you south of normal. Yeah, makes us great, makes us the best. All we miss out on is everything else. No woman waiting at home after work with the drink and the kiss. That ain"t gonna happen for us.

    House: That"s why God made microwaves.

    John: Yeah. But when it"s over... It"s over.

    場景5:一個推動過醫學重大發展的醫學家Dr Powell絕症入院。House要求Cameron撒謊去騙取一塊面板組織的樣本。Cameron堅持不能說謊的原則。House給她看了Powell年輕時候拿一堆新生嬰兒暴露在大量輻射下以取得更好的實驗結果的論文,來說明,倫理道德被高估了。Cameron與Powell的對話:

    Cameron: 1967 Massachusetts Medical Journal. You radiated babies, just like that. No forms, no questions, nothing. Who knows how many cancers you caused?

    Powell: I don"t know. But what I do know is, we discovered techniques that prevent fatal kidney failures in hundreds of thousands of other kids.Cameron: You"re not sorry.Powell: I don"t regret what I did. Informed consent, patient rights Holds back research.


    Powell: What the hell are you doing?!

    Cameron: Informed consent is holding back our diagnosis.Powell: Good for you. Finally standing up for something. Acting on what you believe.

    Anyway,House MD是我看過的任何電視劇裡,最好的劇本,非常好的卡斯,以及很好的導演。177集我已經看了小10遍了。希望你看了也會喜歡。答完了才看到題主正文的內容。對於這樣的觀眾我想說可能確實House不適合你,顯然House著力的部分你get不到,而你期待的起伏跌宕的情節推進House又沒有,只是模式的重複。推薦你看《越獄》《反恐24小時》《國土安全》這一類Serialized drama。連續性強的。而不是每週一集重複結構的這一類。

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