  • 1 # 像個小丑藏悲傷演歡笑



    I won"t tell anyone I saw you here.

    Why would anyone want that job? 為什麼會有人想要那份工作呢?

    If any one deserves to be happy, you do. 如果有誰應該獲得幸福的話,那就是你。

    2、在肯定句中用來強調群體中 “隨便哪個人”,如

    Anyone could be doing what I"m doing. 我在做的事,誰都可能正在做。

    Smith could make anybody laugh. 史密斯能把所有人逗樂。


    Everyone in the street was shocked when they heard the news. 聽到那條訊息,街上所有的人都震驚了。

    When everyone else goes home around 5 p.m. Lynn is still hard at work. 當其他所有人都在晚上5點左右回家時,林恩仍在努力工作。

    Not everyone thinks that the government is being particularly generous. 並非所有人都認為政府特別慷慨。

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  • 唐朝有哪些李承乾的子孫?