  • 1 # 優酷燉土豆

      戰爭之王 片頭曲:For what it"s worth  歌詞:  There"s something happening here  What it is ain"t exactly clear  There"s a man with a gun over there  Telling me I got to beware  I think it"s time we stop, children, what"s that sound  Everybody look what"s going down  There"s battle lines being drawn  Nobody"s right if everybody"s wrong  Young people speaking their minds  Getting so much resistance from behind  I think it"s time we stop, hey, what"s that sound  Everybody look what"s going down  What a field-day for the heat  A thousand people in the street  Singing songs and carrying signs  Mostly say, hooray for our side  It"s time we stop, hey, what"s that sound  Everybody look what"s going down  Paranoia strikes deep  Into your life it will creep  It starts when you"re always afraid  You step out of line, the man come and take you away  We better stop, hey, what"s that sound  Everybody look what"s going down  Stop, hey, what"s that sound  Everybody look what"s going down  Stop, now, what"s that sound  Everybody look what"s going down  Stop, children, what"s that sound  Everybody look what"s going down  翻譯:  這裡有一些東西發生  它是什麼不清楚  有個人拿著槍  告訴我,我得小心  我想是我們該停下來,孩子,那是什麼聲音  每個人都看起來正在下降的東西  有戰場被畫  沒有人對如果人人都是錯誤的  年輕的人在說他們的想法  得到那麼多的抵抗在後面  我想是我們該停下來,嘿,那是什麼聲音  每個人都看起來正在下降的東西  多麼field-day熱  有一千人在街道上  唱唱歌,手持標語  歡呼大多說,我們這一邊  是我們該停止

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 曼聯逆轉巴黎進歐冠8強,聯賽進入前四,曼聯球員是在瘋狂打臉穆里尼奧嗎?你怎麼看?