  • 1 # yfccvvbhg

    such as後面可以跟and so on。such as意思是例如。and so on意思是等等。例句:

    1、We live in the many bad habits, such as spitting and so on. 我們在生活中的很多不良習慣,如隨地吐痰等。

    2、There are colorful festivals in Spain, such as bullfighting and so on. 西班牙還有絢麗多彩的喜慶活動,如鬥牛等等。

    3、Camphor ball no effect on the human body, if so, would also be useful, such as refreshing and so on. 樟腦球不會對人體產生影響,如果有的話,也是有用的,如清新等。

    4、The hindrances to obtaining these good qualities are the defilements such ashatred and so on. 障礙我們得到這些良善功德的是象嗔恨等的各種染汙。

    5、Glues for veneers, plywood, interior woodwork such as panels and so on. 用來粘合美耐板、夾板,或是壁板、板等室內木製品的粘膠。

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