  • 1 # 跳舞的山羊

    put on 穿上,強調動作;dress 打扮;get dressed 穿衣服;get dressed in 穿著;wear 帶著/穿著,強調狀態。1、put on,“穿上”後接物。錶行為,是短暫動詞。You should put on your coat when you leave.2、wear,“穿,穿著”後接物,表狀態,是延續性動詞。He always wears the yellow sweater in winter. I like wearing beautiful clothes.3、dress, “給…穿衣”後接人。You can dress yourself, baby.Lucy is dressing her little brother now.be dressed in後常接具有某種特徵的衣物。也可直接加表示顏色的詞。The lady is dressed in a white skirt. The students are all dressed in yellow. get dressed “穿好衣服”,常不接賓語: He went out as soon as he got dressed.dress up (as) ...“裝扮(成)......” He dressed up as a clown. 他裝扮成小丑。

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  • 健身怎麼進入減脂?