  • 1 # 晴天110182656

    歌曲:You Are

    歌手:Hungry Lucy

    You are

    So deep inside of me

    You are

    Slashing my dignity

    You are

    What no one else can see

    So far

    You’ve made a fool of me

    Revolting is how you make me feel

    Disturbing how your love isn’t real

    Typical is what this seems to be

    For you

    Deception comes

    So easily

    You are

    So deep inside of me

    You are

    Slashing my dignity

    You are

    What no one else can see

    So far

    You’ve made a fool of me

    Injected with the poison of you

    Weakened by not knowing the truth

    Break the spell and give me back to the world

    Take back the troubles of a broken girl

    You are

    So deep inside of me

    You are

    Slashing my dignity

    You are

    What no one else can see

    So far

    You’ve made a fool of me

    You are

    So deep inside of me

    You are

    Slashing my dignity

    You are

    What no one else can see

    So far

    You’ve made a fool of me

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