  • 1 # Tiekt鐵鐵

    pick up 的意思很多,根據《柯林斯詞典》,pick up有如下意思:撿起、得(病)、染上(疾病)接收到(訊號或聲音)、 接載、學會、逮捕、 發現、找到 、(健康)好轉、恢復原狀、 指出…的錯誤、糾正等多種意思。以下6中為生活中最常用的意思:1、pick something up 撿起來【例句】Pick up your socks. They’re on the floor. 把你的襪子撿起來,在地板上。2、pick something up 拿【例句】I’ll pick my book up at your place. Are you gonna be home? 我會去你家拿書,你會在家嗎?3、pick up the phone 接電話【例句】Someone’s calling you. Are you gonna pick up? 有人在給你打電話,你要接嗎?4、pick something up 買【例句】Can you pick up some milk on the way home? 你回家的路上能買些牛奶嗎?5、pick someone up 用交通工具接某人【例句】I’ll pick you up at school. Meet me at the front gate. 我去學校接你,前門見。6、pick up from last time 從上次結束的地方開始【例句】Alright class, let’s pick up from last time. 好的,同學們。我們接著上一次的來。擴充套件資料:pick up 例句(1)Anthony picked himself up and set off along the track. 安東尼自己慢慢爬起來,又開始沿著跑道跑下去。(2)We drove to the airport the next morning to pick up Susan 我們第二天早晨開車去機場接蘇姍。(3)Rawlings had been picked up by police at his office 羅林斯已在辦公室遭警察拘捕。(4)Where did you pick up your English?你在哪兒學的英語?(5)He had picked her up at a nightclub on Kallari Street, where she worked as a singer. 他是在卡拉里街的一家夜總會和她搭上的,她在那兒當歌手。

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