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    歌曲:《Dream It Possible》,是一首由崔迪編曲,Andy Love譜曲填詞,授權給世界各地歌手演唱的歌曲,歌曲中文版本為《我的夢》由張靚穎演唱。歌詞:I will run, I will climb, I will soar疾走,攀緣,搏擊長空I"m undefeated我為王者Jumping out of my skin, pull the chord琴瑟在御,掙脫身之樊籠Yeah I believe it信仰至上The past is everything we were don"t make us who we are任往昔包羅永珍,你我今能自主So I"ll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars因此我將不懈逐夢直至舉頭爛然星辰It"s not until you fall that you fly不畏躓踣,便可龍翔鳳翥When your dreams come alive you"re unstoppable當夢富有生機,崗嶺便無Take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful花開堪折,曙光須逐,倩麗應尋We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold晦暗中方熠熠生輝,化塵為金And we"ll dream it possible心歡夢圓Possible夢圓I will chase ,I will reach, I will fly奔逐,至極,翩躚九天Until I"m breaking until I"m breaking直至我化泡影,終至我為覆滅Out of my cage like a bird in the night衝破桎梏,如寂夜鳳凰涅磐I know I"m changing I know I"m changing我知我在蛻變,我曉我在重生In into something big better than before前所未有的洪荒之力迸發And if it takes takes a thousand lives如若無數生靈飛滅Then it"s worth fighting for自是值得殊死一戰It"s not until you fall that you fly不畏躓踣,便可龍翔鳳翥When your dreams come alive you"re unstoppable當夢富有生機,崗嶺便無Take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful花開堪折,曙光須逐,倩麗應尋We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold晦暗中方熠熠生輝,化塵為金And we"ll dream it possible possible possible possible心歡夢圓,夢圓,夢圓,夢圓From the bottom to the top九層之臺,始於壘土We"re sparking wild fire"s吾儕燃爆燎原烈火Never quit and never stop從未言棄,決不行The rest of our lives無懼窮極一生From the bottom to the top九層之臺,始於壘土We"re sparking wild fire"s吾儕燃爆燎原烈火Never quit and never stop從未言棄,決不行It"s not until you fall that you fly不畏躓踣,便可龍翔鳳翥When your dreams come alive you"re unstoppable當夢富有生機,崗嶺便無Take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful花開堪折,曙光須逐,倩麗應尋We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold晦暗中方熠熠生輝,化塵為金And we"ll dream it possible心歡夢圓Possible possible夢圓,夢圓We"ll dream it possible心歡夢圓擴充套件資料:《Dream It Possible》由國際著名音樂人Andy Love作曲,來自洛杉磯的歌手Delacey(有小Adele之稱)演唱。後張靚穎也演繹過英文版,同時與著名詞作人王海濤共同填詞完成中文版《我的夢》,並在2015年11月26日於HUAWEI Mate8在上海世博中心的釋出會上傾情首唱。張靚穎透過《Dream It Possible》表達出對夢想與未來的信心與決心,並鼓勵大家勇敢執著去追尋,夢想是必不可少的信念和精神支柱,支撐我們有力量走過一切困苦。

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