1 # rnlaz42459
2 # 湯圓電影Vlog
前者是:有特色的,特殊的。distinctive features 特點 Soldiers often have distinctive insignias on their lapels.士兵的翻領上常佩有特殊的軍階識別符號。如:Beer has a very distinctive smell.啤酒有一種特殊的味道.後者是指:清楚的,明顯的,截然不同的,獨特的。如:on two distinct occasions.在兩種不同的場合前者比後者的表達感情更強烈,特殊性更強。
distinct,distinctive 這一對詞都是形容詞,拼法也相近,但涵義不同。 Distinct的意思是“分明的”、“明瞭的”、“清楚的”(well-marked,clearly defined or easily discernible)。例: The photo you took in Hong Kong Cultural Centre is not distinct enough. 你在香港文化中心拍的那張照片不夠清晰。 She has a distinct pronunciation. 她的發音清楚。 There is a distinct smell of smoke in my room. 我的房間裡有一股明顯的香菸味。 有時候,distinct還可用以表示“不同的”、“有區別的”意味。如: This picture is distinct from that. 這幅圖和那幅不同。 The twins have distinct personalities. 這對雙胞胎的個性並不相同。 Distinctive的意思是“表示差別的”、“有特色的”、“特殊的”(marking or showing a difference)。例如: Can you find the distinctive watermarks of this stamp? 你能找到這枚郵票上有明顯的水紋嗎? Pupils in Hong Kong usually have distinctive badges on their school uniforms. 在香港,小學生的校服上常戴有頗具特色的徽章。 現將distinct和distinctive用在一個句子裡,以便區分: One of the distinctive features of this book is its distinct illustrations. 本書的特點之一就是具清楚明瞭的圖解。