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    Mitsubishi[miˈtsubiʃi]<日>三菱三菱雙語例句1. Mitsubishi Motors were anxious to get a toehold in the European market. 三菱汽車急於在歐洲市場上取得初步的立足之地。2. The Hover design also low on originality , using several Mitsubishi components. 哈弗汽車的設計利用了數款三菱(Mitsubishi)的零部件,因此在創新性方面也並不見長.3. Our small Colt , built by Mitsubishi, was not selling even with a $ 1 , 000 rebate. 我們的小車――日本三菱公司造的馬駒, 甚至減價一千美元也銷不出去.4. The eliminations came from Mitsubishi"s sales and credit departments. 在沖銷來自三菱的銷售和信貸部門.5. The video also includes the characteristic bell sound of Mitsubishi elevators. 片段亦包括屬於三菱電梯特徵的嗚鐘聲.

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  • 關於等待的詞語和句子?