  • 1 # 右腦心理

    《My Love Will Get You Home》--Christine Glass

    If you wander off too far 如果你遊蕩得太遠了

    My love will get you home 我的愛將帶你回家

    If you follow the wrong star 如果你迷失了方向

    My love will get you home 我的愛將帶你回家

    If you ever find yourself 如果你曾發現自己

    Lost and all alone 迷茫又孤獨

    Get back on your feet and think of me 回來吧 想一想我

    My love will get you home Boy 我的愛將帶你回家,男孩

    My love will get you home 我的愛將帶你回家

    If the bright lights blinds your eyes 如果刺眼的光線使你無法看清

    My love will get you home 我的愛將帶你回家

    If your troubles break your stride 如果困難阻斷你的步伐

    My love will get you home 我的愛將帶你回家

    If you ever find yourself 如果你曾發現自己

    Lost and all alone 迷茫又孤獨

    Get back on your feet and think of me 回來吧 想一想我

    My love will get you home Boy 我的愛將帶你回家,男孩

    My love will get you home 我的愛將帶你回家

    If you ever feel ashamed 如果你感到羞愧

    My love will get you home 我的愛將帶你回家

    If it’s only you to blame 如果只是你該受到責備

    My love will get you home 我的愛將帶你回家

    If you ever find yourself 如果你曾發現自己

    Lost and all alone 迷茫又孤獨

    Get back on your feet and think of me 回來吧 想一想我

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