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    Translation: When We Were Young (By Adele)翻譯: 當我們還年輕 (阿黛爾)(Translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)(翻譯是意譯不是字譯)(Note: I posted this before)Everybody loves the things you do我們愛你的一切,From the way you talk你說話綿纏細語,To the way you move你走路婀娜多姿,Everybody here is watching you萬眾矚目集卿身,Cause you feel like home你散發家的溫暖,You"re like a dream come true你猶如美夢成真,But if by chance you"re here alone若碰巧你有空閒,Can I have a moment before I go?祈求你給我片刻,Cause I"ve been by myself all night long我今晚獨睡難眠,Hoping you"re someone I used to know望你我一往情深,You look like a movie你貌如電影般美,You sound like a song你聲如歌曲般妙,My God, this reminds me我舊事洶湧而來,Of when we were young關及年輕你我倆,Let me photograph you in this light讓照片來捕捉你,In case it is the last time 防逝掉時光難返,that we might be exactly like we were,現有的樣子不再,Before we realized we were sad of getting old一瞬間年華老去,It made us restless這使我寤寐難安,It was just like a movie這如電影般轉折,It was just like a song這如歌曲般起伏,I was so scared to face my fears我難以面對驚訝,Cause nobody told me that you"d be here不料碰到你在這,And I swore you moved overseas我肯定你去外國,That"s what you said, when you left me是分手時你所說,You still look like a movie你還美貌如電影,You still sound like a song你還妙聲如歌曲,My God, this reminds me我舊事洶湧而來,Of when we were young關及年輕你我倆,Let me photograph you in this light讓照片來捕捉你,In case it is the last time防逝掉時光難返,That we might be exactly like we were現有的樣子不再。Background of Song:Lyrically, "When We Were Young" deals with themes of the "fears of getting older," a recurrent theme on 25,[27] and "finds her reconnecting with [an] old acquaintance years after their adolescence, which prompts her to revisit those memories and to wish she could stop time."


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