  • 1 # MN406

    board and lodging膳宿;供應食宿一、片語:board and lodging 膳宿,食宿,供膳出租房間provide board and lodging 提供膳宿board and lodging 供應食宿 二、例句:1、The notice said that your provide board and lodging, right? 告示上說你們提供食宿,對嗎?2、If you"re after free board and lodging in return for hard graft on an organic farmhead to


    如果你希望在一個有機農場辛勤勞動,換來免費的住宿,來看看這個網站吧。3、There are a number of reasons for this: administrative costs; training; board andlodging; in-country transport and providing funds for the project. 這些費用包括:管理費、培訓費、食宿費、境內交通費及為此專案提供基金。

  • 2 # yaya7903

    board and lodging膳宿;供應食宿一、片語:board and lodging 膳宿,食宿,供膳出租房間provide board and lodging 提供膳宿board and lodging 供應食宿二、例句:1、The notice said that your provide board and lodging, right? 告示上說你們提供食宿,對嗎?2、If you"re after free board and lodging in return for hard graft on an organic farmhead to


    如果你希望在一個有機農場辛勤勞動,換來免費的住宿,來看看這個網站吧。3、There are a number of reasons for this: administrative costs; training; board andlodging; in-country transport and providing funds for the project.

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 汽車胎壓kpa288會爆胎嗎?