  • 1 # MRyaya

    bosom friend 英 ["bʊzəm frend]     美 ["bʊzəm frend]    ;釋義:n. 知心朋友;閨蜜;例句;用作名詞 (n.);

    1、Having bosom friends is a blessing in itself.;有知心朋友,本身就是一種幸福。;

    2、Talk to your best friend at work.;與知心朋友聊聊工作。;擴充套件資料:;單詞拓展用法;bosom 英 ["bʊzəm]     美 ["bʊzəm]    ;釋義:n. 胸部;胸懷;內部;內心;adj. 親密的;知心的;vt. 擁抱;把...藏心中;例句;用作名詞 (n.);1、She clasped the baby to her bosom.;她把孩子緊緊抱在懷裡。;2、Her bosom rose and fell as she breathed.;她的胸脯隨著呼吸而高低起伏。;

    3、He bared his bosom to the crowd.;他向眾人袒示胸懷。;用作形容詞 (adj.);1、The threat of death makes bosom buddies of us all.;死亡的威脅使我們都成了親密的夥伴。;2、The girl was fortunate enough to have her mother as a bosom friend.;這個女孩非常幸運,她的媽媽是她的知心朋友。

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