  • 1 # Affgcff

    silent主要指人“沉默的”、“不出聲的”,但不一定無活動。 quiet意為“安靜的”、“寧靜的”,指人時表示生性安靜,不易激動;用於自然環境時,指沒有干擾活動、沒有喧鬧聲的寂靜狀態。1. 形容天氣的“溫和”、“平靜”、“寂靜”時,這四個詞基本通用。如:a calm day 平靜的日子,a quiet night 寂靜之夜,a silent , moonless night 一個寂靜、沒有月亮的夜晚2. 形容湖、海、洋的“平靜”用 calm , quiet 和 still。如:The sea is very calm . 海面很平靜。The high wind passed and the sea was calm again . 大風過後,海又平靜下來。The waters of the lake were quiet yesterday . 昨天湖面平靜。Still waters run deep . 靜水流深。3. 形容人的“冷靜”、“鎮靜”用calm。如:Keep calm ! 冷靜點!He is always calm even in times of trouble .He seemed to be calm , but that deceived nobody . 他看上去是一副鎮靜模樣,但其實誰也騙不了。4. 形容人的“靜默”用 quiet , silent。如:He remained quiet throughout the meeting . 整個會議期間他保持沉默。5. 形容人的性情溫和、文靜用 quiet。含沒有明顯的運動和聲音。如:a quiet girl 文靜的女孩My parents are quiet people . They never go out in the evening . 父母愛靜,晚上從不外出。This hospital lies in a quiet street .6. 形容人“靜止”用 still。still 含寂然不動,鴉雀無聲。如:Please stand still while I take your picture . 我為你拍照時,請站好別動。Right now you need to stay still . 現在你需要靜靜地待著。The boy couldn\"t keep still in the doctor\"s chair . 孩子在醫生的椅子上一刻也坐不住。7. 表達“安靜”,quiet , silent , still 都能用。如:Be quiet / silent . 請安靜。a quiet room 安靜的房間The audience was quite still . 全場聽眾幾乎鴉雀無聲。The town was still in the early hours of the morning . 清晨時刻整個城鎮靜靜的。The building was usually very quiet . 那樓通常很安靜。體會下面表人時他們之間的區別:They stood calm ( quiet , silent , still ). 他們鎮靜地(安靜地、默不作聲地、一動不動地)站著。

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