  • 1 # 使用者2008204498042

    reverse transaction反向交易在會計學中也是反向交易的意思。例句  

    1  A forex swap involves the exchange of currencies between two parties at a spot rate, and agreeing to reverse the transaction at a later date, based on the forward rate.  在外匯掉期交易中,雙方根據即期匯率兌換外匯,並約定在未來某一日期根據遠期匯率進行反向交易。  

    2  If DFTT is not satisfied with any documentation provided by Client will reverse the withdrawal transaction and deposit the amount back to Client"s trading account.  如果DFTT公司不滿意所提供的檔案,DFTT會將拒絕辦理出金,並將客戶的資金重新存入客戶的交易帳戶中。  

    3  If Dandy is not satisfied with any documentation provided by Client will reverse the withdrawal transaction and deposit the amount back to Client"s trading account.  如果丹迪公司不滿意所提供的檔案,丹迪會將拒絕辦理出金,並將客戶的資金重新存入客戶的交易帳戶中。

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