  • 1 # 念舊

    empty the trash:倒垃圾 ;清除垃圾例句1.Do you really want to empty the Trash? All items will be deleted.您真的要清空回收站嗎?裡面所有的內容都將被刪除。2.You can also erase free space when you empty the Trash in the Finder.在Finder中清倒廢紙簍時也可以抹掉可用空間。3.Monkey: Look! Dad, I can empty the trash!猴子:看!爸爸,我會倒垃圾了!4.Important: even after you empty the trash, deleted files can be recovered using data-recovery software.重要事項:即使在清倒“廢紙簍”後,也可以使用資料恢復軟體來恢復已刪除的檔案。5After users delete messages or empty the trash, they must compact their mail database on the server.當用戶刪除訊息或者清空垃圾之後,他們必須壓縮伺服器上的郵件資料庫。

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