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    Oh life, the wonders that you bring 哦,生活啊,你給我帶來那麼多驚喜

    The beauty I can see that I’ll keep deep inside of me 帶來那樣的美麗,我將終生銘記

    Oh life, I feel that I can bring it again 哦,生活啊,我感到自己將重活一次

    In a world where love will still remain 在一個有愛的世界裡

    Choose your words, make them wise 請你思量,悉心斟酌

    Many things have brought us where we are發生了那麼多的故事,我們今天才又在一起

    I am here, here with you 現在,我和你,就在這裡

    Close your eyes, let love heal the sorrow請閉上眼睛,讓愛把內心傷痛治癒

    Once again I feel it alive我再次感到了愛的存在

    I"m sure of this inside 因為它就在我的心底

    and I need you more than ever我真的需要你

    Life has taught me so much more生活教給我太多太多,

    Feel stronger than before我的內心,比任何時候都清楚箇中道理

    Hope this feeling stays here forever 多希望,這種感受永駐心裡

    Long ago I was blind 我曾迷茫,在很久的過去

    I thought the love was so waste here to stay也曾以為,愛將永遠伴隨我和你

    But we walked away 但我們彼此卻漸行漸遠

    And we said good bye 最後,竟然分手別離

    Even though I knew I loved you still雖然,我內心明瞭,我依然愛你

    Suddenly you were gone但你卻突然消失

    And she was in your arms 將她擁入懷中

    It’s a picture I’ll remember這情景,讓我終生不能忘記

    I was lost, could not be saved 我已迷失,無法自拔,不能自己

    My life just dried away我的生命已經枯萎

    I only wish that we could start over 我深深渴望,把我們的愛火重新燃起

    But true love will find its way 但至愛將最終贏得勝利

    Now our love it seemed to stay現在,我們的愛已經回到彼此心底

    I lost it once but now I found a way to live again我曾把它失去,現在我要把這份愛火再次燃起

    Oh life, the wonders that you bring哦,生活啊,你給我帶來那麼多驚喜

    The beauty I can see that I’ll keep deep inside of me 帶來那樣的美麗,我將終生銘記

    Oh life, I feel that I can bring it again 哦,生活啊,我感到自己將重活一次

    In a world where love will still remain 在一個有愛的世界裡

    But true love will find its way 但至愛將最終贏得勝利

    Now our love it seemed to stay現在,我們的愛已經回到彼此心底

    I lost it once but now I found a way to live again我曾把它失去,但現在我要把這份愛火再次燃起

    Oh life, the wonders that you bring哦,生活啊,你給我帶來那麼多驚喜

    The beauty I can see that I’ll keep deep inside of me 帶來那樣的美麗,我將終生銘記

    Oh life, I feel that I can bring it again 哦,生活啊,我感到自己將重活一次

    In a world where love will still remain 在一個有愛的世界裡

    in a world where love will still remain在一個有愛的世界裡

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