  • 1 # 不愛穿花衣服的女人

    區別是:3 meters long指的是三米長。20 minutes" walk指的是20分鐘的路程。例句辨析:3 meters long1、Research in grinding ball screws of 3 meters long with accuracy grade C.3米C級精度滾珠絲槓磨削的研究。2、The result shows that the precision of direction determination can be higher than0.05 ° when the baseline length is about 3 meters long. 試驗結果表明,對於3m長基線,單星定向精度可達0.05°。3、Banners must be at least 3 ft (. 91 meters) long. Click OK to set your banner to 3 feet. 橫幅至少必須有3英尺(0.91米)長,單擊確定按鈕可將您的橫幅設為3英尺。20 minutes" walk1、It takes me twenty minutes to walk from my home to the school. 從我家走到學校得20分鐘。2、The 20 minutes" walk is enough for me.20分鐘的路程對我來說足夠了。3、It will take you twenty minutes to walk there. 步行去那將花費你20分鐘。

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