  • 1 # 柒玥紀事

    today while the blossoms still cling to the vine 當花蕾仍攀向枝蔓時i"ll taste your strawberries 我將品嚐你的草莓

    i"ll drink your sweet wine 喝你的甜酒

    a million tomorrows shall all pass away 即使明日何其多,也終將會逝去

    ere i forget all the joy that is mine 在我遺忘所有快樂的時光之前

    today 今天

    i"ll be a dandy and i"ll be a rover 我的日子會有風有雨

    you"ll know who i am by the song that i sing 但你能聽出我的心聲

    i"ll feast at your table 我會在你的餐桌上用餐

    i"ll sleep in your clover 在四葉草上酣睡

    who cares what tomorrow shall bring? 誰還在乎明天是否會颳風下雨?

    today while the blossoms still cling to the vine 當花蕾仍攀向枝蔓時

    i"ll taste your strawberries 我將品嚐你的草莓

    i"ll drink your sweet wine 喝你的甜酒

    i can"t be contented with yesterday"s glory 我不能沉溺於昨天的輝煌

    i can"t live on promises winter to spring 我不能任由光陰消磨我的諾言

    (winter to spring)

    today is my moment and now is my story 今天是我的時刻,現在將由我來講故事

    i"ll laugh and i"ll cry and i"ll sing 我會放聲大笑、抱頭痛哭、嘹亮高歌

    today while the blossoms still cling to the vine 當花蕾仍攀向枝蔓時

    i"ll taste your strawberries 我將品嚐你的草莓

    i"ll drink your sweet wine 喝你的甜酒

    a million tomorrows shall all pass away 即使明日何其多,也終將會逝去

    ere i forget all the joy that is mine today 在我遺忘所有快樂的時光之前

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