  • 1 # 掉眼淚的冠軍

    這個暑假我過的很開心。我和我的家人一起去了(隨便一個海)遊玩。那裡的風景很美。藍藍的大海,藍藍的天空,還有自由翱翔的海鷗共同構成了天然美景。爸爸和我在大海里游泳,媽媽在沙灘上曬日光浴,很是愜意。而且,我們還可以自己划船在海上玩。同時,我們還拍了好多相片留念。總之,這個暑假過的特別充實快樂。如果以後有機會,我希望再去(隨便一個海)渡一次暑假。My summer vacationI had a good time this summer vacation. My families and I went to(隨便一個海)for it. The science there was really beautiful. Blue sea ,blue sky and the flying sea mews made up of the natural beauty. My father and I swimmed in the sea,and my mother lay on the beach for sun shower comfortably. What was more, we also went boating ourselves. At the same time, we took many pictures for memory. In a word, this summer vacation was so full and we were very happy. If I had another chance to spend my vacation, I wish I could go to (隨便一個海) again.

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