  • 1 # Tiekt鐵鐵

    There is a lot of room for creativity in all of this, but they have little chance of developing a complete product, from start to finish, without using other software for key features.在這個過程中他們有足夠的創造空間,但是他們卻很少有機會開發一個完整的產品,從開始到完成,不用任何其它軟體作為主要的特性。That is, like some of their course assignments, they come up with the idea, design it, implement it, and test it -- everything, from start to finish, all by themselves, or with a few friends. 像他們一些課程的安排,產生一個想法,就開始設計,實施,最後測試――所有的事情,從開始到結束都是靠他們自己,或者跟幾個朋友一起。But, can you see that as you get really close together the negative electronic cloud surrounding the two ions start to sense one another.然後當你真的讓它們,離得很近時,這兩個離子周圍的負電子雲能感應到對方。When I am facing a lot of pressure at work, my back and neck will start to hurt.They say we should drink water even before we start to feel like we need something to drink.But it also has to be careful, or people could start to worry about an invasion of privacy."So at that time I think the public in Bangkok feel that, or start to wonder, what is their real demand?" Also,the break will start to repair itself, so you want to make sure the bone is lined up correctly.They start to fall in love. But after he recovers, the girlfriend who left him when he got hurt tries to win him back. So now what we"re going to do is start to extract what these things mean.因此下一部要開始做的,就是從這些量裡提取出它們的物理意義。

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