  • 1 # 你永遠追不上的巨人

      Down by the Salley Gardens  莎麗花園  Down by the Salley Gardens my love and I did meet  我曾和我的摯愛相遇在莎園中  She passed the Salley Gardens with little snow-white feet  她踏著雪白的纖纖玉足,輕輕走過莎園  She bid me take love easy as the leafes grow on the tree  她要我簡單的追求真愛,就像大樹長出樹葉一般自然  But I being young and foolish with her did not agree  但我是那麼的年輕愚笨,從來沒有聽從過她的心聲  In a field by the river my love and I did stand  我曾和我的摯愛並肩佇立在河畔的曠野上  And on my leaning shoulder she laid her snow-white hand  她把她嫩白的小手,搭在我那微微傾斜的肩膀上  She bid me take life easy as the grass grows on the weirs  她要我簡單的去生活,就像那生長在河畔的韌草一般  But I was young and foolish and now am full of tears  但我是那麼的年輕愚笨, 現在唯有淚水漣漣,感懷滿襟  這首聞名遐邇的歌曲,是根據詩人威廉·巴特勒·葉芝的同名詩歌〈Down By the Salley Garden〉譜曲而成,最初翻譯為《柳園裡》,是葉芝早年的詩作。為廣大歌手所翻唱。

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  • 帶有談字的成語有哪些?