Luer n. 魯爾介面(醫療裝置零件) Land Use and Environmental Regulation 土地使用和環境規章
1.Connect the Luer lock to the trocar port on the patient side. 跟讀 在病者傍邊把針頭鎖接與套管針埠連線上。
2.Always follow standard practices of using a continuous drip of anticoagulant fluidunder pressure through the proximal Luer connector when the device is in the body. 當導管植入體內後,透過使用Luer末端聯結器,在受壓條件下,始終遵照使用抗凝血劑連續滴注的應用標準。
3.Statement, the AU Commission Chairperson Jean Ping, Foreign Minister A LuerSouthern Sudan and the AU member states will participate in 15 of the diplomaticceremony. 宣告稱,非盟委員會主席讓·平、南蘇丹外長阿魯爾和非盟成員國外交使節將參加15日的慶祝儀式。
Luer n. 魯爾介面(醫療裝置零件) Land Use and Environmental Regulation 土地使用和環境規章
1.Connect the Luer lock to the trocar port on the patient side. 跟讀 在病者傍邊把針頭鎖接與套管針埠連線上。
2.Always follow standard practices of using a continuous drip of anticoagulant fluidunder pressure through the proximal Luer connector when the device is in the body. 當導管植入體內後,透過使用Luer末端聯結器,在受壓條件下,始終遵照使用抗凝血劑連續滴注的應用標準。
3.Statement, the AU Commission Chairperson Jean Ping, Foreign Minister A LuerSouthern Sudan and the AU member states will participate in 15 of the diplomaticceremony. 宣告稱,非盟委員會主席讓·平、南蘇丹外長阿魯爾和非盟成員國外交使節將參加15日的慶祝儀式。