  • 1 # Larry王承倫


    之所以做出這麼大的改變,原因很簡單。其他人覺得我在工作中表現出色,薪資體面,有晉升,公司很好,老闆和同事也很棒,但我不覺得自己是個成功人士。我沒有動力,沒有滿足感,也沒有感到特別高興。我與自己的工作產生不了什麼共鳴,對我的未來也不感到興奮。 大多數日子裡,我早上醒來渾渾噩噩,對接下來的一天也不抱期待。那時我27歲,但感覺更像是57歲。那時的我心裡想,“不應該是這樣的。”












    For me, I graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. I then worked as an R&D design engineer for six years. So that’s a 10 year investment doing what I was trained to do before I decided to completely give it up!

    My reason to make such a big change was simple. To others, I appeared successful in my career. I earned a good salary, was getting promoted, and worked for a great company, great boss and great colleagues. However, I didn’t feel like a successful person. I didn’t feel motivated, fulfilled, or especially happy about my life. I wasn’t connected with what I was doing or feel excited at all about my future. Most days, I woke up with little energy and not looking forward to my day. I was 27, but felt more like I was 57. I remember thinking, “This can’t be right.”

    The decisions I made back then were all about getting myself to change my mindset and approach to my career and life. They were more realizations than specific decisions that I made. These were four big ones for me.

    Stop doing what wasn’t giving me what I desired - Although I had no idea what would make me feel more motivated, fulfilled, excited and happy, the first big decision I made was to leave what wasn’t providing those things to me. Somehow, I knew that it’s much easier to find the things you don’t really enjoy doing before you find the things that you do really enjoy doing. Especially, when you’re young and starting out. If I wanted to find what I was passionate about, I had to leave my current situation and put myself into different ones.

    Start doing things outside of my comfort zone - The second big decision I made was to make myself do many things that I used to avoid. This included getting more involved in different activities and situations, getting to know and understand different types of people, and getting myself to face new challenges.

    I wanted to pursue a business career. I wanted to know what other industries and job functions might suit me better, so I needed to explore these every day. To do this, I had to overcome my fears and uncertainties. I knew this would require a constant effort and push to get myself to seek out and engage new situations.

    Recognize the true risk of my situation – The reality was that pursuing a business career meant that I was going to meet many new challenges. I’d likely make mistakes, and even fail at times. So the biggest risk was going to be to my ego. But I had to face this in order to learn faster and become something different.

    In the end, my fear of not changing was bigger than my fear of changing. I was scared to death of facing many unknown situations. But what scared me even more was seeing my life continue to pass by with no passion, fulfillment, or goals that I really cared about.

    And ultimately, in the worst case scenario, my safety net was that I could always go back. If I ended up being terrible at business, I could always make my living as an uninspired, soul-less engineer. This was something that I’d already proven I could do. But if pursued a dramatic change, there was at least the possibility of finding whatever I was looking for. Viewed this way, what was I really risking by going for it?

    Embrace my new journey – Perhaps the most important decision I made was to just embrace the journey and challenge of pursuing a more fulfilling future for myself. Frankly, I had no idea what I was doing, what I wanted to do, or what might happen! But I kept telling myself that there was something courageous about seeking my passion and fighting for my better future. During my toughest times, I’d remind myself that this is the person I wanted to become and the life I wanted to live someday.

    Once I made these decisions and acknowledged these realizations, I never looked back. I’m not saying the change was easy. There were many times when I’d get down or feel extremely frustrated about my situation. There were many days when I felt no closer to figuring things out than when I started. In fact, it took a couple of years for me to just to break through the fears and doubts I felt every day. But once I did, everything became a challenge to improve myself and an adventure to enjoy. My life has been this way ever since.

    Today, I’m part of the talent industry. I’m an entrepreneur. I am dedicated to helping others pursue their career success. When people meet me, I’m often asked where all my energy and passion comes from. I tell them that, actually, it’s probably five times more than what it was when I was in my 20s. It’s because what I do now, I really enjoy. It brings out the best in me, and has real purpose and meaning to me.

    When you’re considering a big change, there are no guarantees that things will turn out well. But if you’re hardworking, persistent, and reasonably smart, then there’s a very good chance that they will. This is what I can assure you based on my experience.

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