  • 1 # 一諾千金aaa

    fall in 到期;集合;排隊;倒塌;與某人在一起 fall in love 墜入愛河;愛上某人 fall into 落入;分成 fall in love with 愛上 fall of 墜落 fall down 跌倒;失敗;倒塌 in the fall 在秋天 rise and fall 漲落;抑揚 fall off 減少;跌落;下降;離開;衰退 fall on 落到;指向 fall from 從…落下 fall behind 拖欠;落在後面 free fall 自由下落 fall back 退卻,後退;[計]回落 fall ill 生病 fall for something 相信某事 fall for 迷戀;信以為真 fall back on 退到;求助於;回頭再說 fall out 發生;脫落;爭吵;離隊;結果是 fall under 受到(影響等);被歸入 fall down

    1. 掉下,落下,跌倒: The old lady fell down in the street and broke her leg. 老婦跌倒在大街上,摔壞了腿。

    2. 拜倒,跪倒: They fell down before him. 他們拜倒在他面前。

    3. 倒塌: The old house soon fell down. 這座老房很快就倒塌了。

    4. 毫無結果,(在…方面)失敗(常與on,in連用);被表明為不正確、不足或不妥;證明是不令人滿意的(或不切合實際): Your plan fell down when it proved too costly. 你的計劃是不切合實際的,因為它被證實耗資太大。

    5. 漂流而下 fall off 1. 減少,縮小;變輕;降低,減退: Orders have been falling off lately;we must advertise more. 近來訂貨減少,我們必須加大廣告力度。 Interest in the game has fallen off. 人們對這項運動的興趣已經降低。 2. (質量)下降,變壞;變瘦,(健康、精力等的)衰退: The quality of these goods has fallen off since last year. 去年以來,這些貨物的質量開始下降。 3. 【航海學】(船)偏離航線,改變航向,揹著風,轉向下風處: The leading boat fell off when the wind grew too strong. 風吹得太猛時,領頭的船轉向了下風。 4. 從…落下,(從…)跌落(或下降);落下;跌落: When you are learning to ride a bicycle,you often fall off. 在你學騎腳踏車時,你常常會從車上摔下來。 5. 離開,(朋友等)漸漸疏遠;脫離,退出;背棄,背叛: Some of their most loyal members have now fallen off. 他們一些最忠誠的會員現已經退出了。 His friends fell off one by one when he was in adversity. 在他身處逆境時,他的朋友一個接一個離他而去。

    6. (逐漸)消失,消亡,死亡,廢棄: That custom has fallen off. 那個風俗已經廢棄了。

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