  • 1 # 珉珉故事

    take time的意思是:費時;從容進行take your time的意思是:從容不迫1.Take your time, don"t cut corners and follow instructions to the letter.慢慢來,不要圖省事,要嚴格按照說明去做。2."Take your time," Cross told him. "I"m in no hurry."“慢慢來,”克羅斯對他說,“我一點都不急。”3.Take your time.; Don"t be in a rush.慢慢來。4.We will restore her to health but it may take time我們會讓她恢復健康,但可能需要一些時間。5.Change will come, but it will take time會有變化的,但這需要時間。6.They are bound to take time to readjust after a holiday.他們肯定需要時間重新適應假期結束後的生活。擴充套件資料:take的相關片語(1)take off起飛;脫下;休假;大受歡迎;突然成功1.The plane took off an hour late.飛機晚飛一小時。2.The book took off suddenly.這本書突然間大受歡迎。3.Please took off your coat.請脫下您的外套。(2)take up繼續;接下去;佔用;開始從事1.The table took up too much room.桌子太佔地方。2.She took up the piano.她開始學起鋼琴了。(3)take out毀滅;摘除;發出1.They took out two houses by fire.他們防火燒了兩套房屋。2.The dentist took your tooth out.醫生把你的牙拔了。

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