  • 1 # 影片好笑

    sounds nice ; sounds good ; sounds pleasant在不同語境下所用的英文搭配往往不同。她的聲音錄下來很好聽。Her voice records well.這支歌很好聽。This is a very pleasant song.這兒不用外交辭令,是真的很好聽。No need for diplomacy, it really is very good.“他說,”有許多關於Google工作環境的無聊故事流傳,比方說你可以帶你的狗去工作,這狗會有一個很好聽的名字,看起來也很可愛。You can bring your dog to work. The name is funny-sounding and cute.這部電影的插曲很好聽。The episode of this film sounds good.當他不知所措的時候,他幸運地聽到一個揚聲器裡很好聽的一個聲音通知他丟的行李找到了。When he was at a loss, he was lucky to hear a nice voice from a loudspeaker announcing thathis lost luggage was found.嘟嘟這個名字很好聽。我喜歡這個名字!Oh, Dudu is a nice name. I like this name!他彈吉他而且聲音很好聽。He plays guitar and has a great voice.

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