  • 1 # 小老弟說電影

    年份的英文:particular year、certain year、given year、age。[詞典]a specific year; age; time;[例句]:這件古董年份一定很久了。This antique must be very old.


    age n.年齡;年代;時代;老年;晚年;人生的特定階段;代;一生;一(時)代;很長時間time n.時;時間;時刻;規定時間;可用時間;所用時間;次;回;乘以;…倍;拍子;節拍。


    BC: Short for before Christ. Usually set in small caps and after the figures(e.g. 150 BC).公元前:英文是基督降生前和意思。排字時(英文),應用小型大寫,放於年份之後。Windows 95 and Windows 98 (named for the years of their release) continued its success.Windows95和Windows98(依照上市的年份命名)延續視窗霸業。The claret was (of) a rare vintage, ie (of) a year when the grapes produced a claret of high quality.這一年份的法國波爾多紅葡萄酒是稀有的好酒(為所收葡萄質量好的年份釀造的).

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