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    Avoid a Meltdown! Stop Global Warming.

    Babies today, carbon tomorrow.

    Being Cool has never been so hot.

    Can you keep it Cool?

    Care for our planet? Go green.

    Consume less, save money .

    Cool kids help a warm planet.

    Don´t cook yourself.

    Don’t burn your kids future.

    Earth is slowly dying. Save her, go green.

    Give earth a chance.

    Global Warming – it’s not just a lot of hot air.

    Global warming is damn hot.

    Global warming is not cool.

    Global warming or global Greening? Choose wisely.

    Global warming! Bad for farming!

    Global warming, a Global warning.

    Global Warming: We have a solution, Stop Pollution!

    If today you will burn fossil fuel tomorrow you might be fossil under the sea.

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